Esoteric Characterology

The analysis of characterological body type is best accomplished by the combination of three distinct forms of evaluation. Namely, visual inspection and postural evaluation; kinesiology response to acupoints, stimuli and personal declaratives; and your knowledge of the individual’s behavior and modes of relating to others. Once the character type is determined, find the personal declarative that weakens, and proceed with esoteric kinesiology.


The patient is a tall, thin female with scoliosis. A strong muscle weakens when acupuncture point Gall Bladder 1 is contacted. The same muscle weakens when a penlight is shined in the eye. A strong muscle weakens when the patient states, “I am OK being of worth just because I exist.” At this point, the diagnosis of schizoid character type is made. Next, the esoteric kinesiology procedure is performed using the personal declarative, “I am OK being of worth just because I exist.” 

This revealed a difficult birth in which the mother received an epidural after a long labor. The right kidney alarm point Urinary Bladder 23, strengthens a weak muscle following semantic challenging of birth and mom. The kidney emotion involved is determined to be terror. Terror in the birthing child is held in the cellular memory of the individual and correction is made with kidney pulse and T1, T5 and T8 lamina percussion with respiration. The homeopathic remedy “Water” is prescribed. The patient is instructed in techniques for grounding, and is encouraged to study Tai Chi.


1. Formulate a hypothesis as to the primary and secondary character structures present in the individual.

2. Muscle test the alarm points of characterology:
   a) GB1
   b) CV22 = Ren 22
   c) CV12 = Ren 12
   d) CV17 = Ren 17
   e) CV6 = Ren 6
Note: CV means Conception Vessel, which in Chinese Medicine, is called the Ren Vessel.

3. Muscle test primary personal declaratives the NECs of characterology:
   a) Schizoid: I am OK being of worth just because I exist.
   b) Oral: I am OK with getting my needs met.
   c) Masochistic: I am OK with asserting for my freedom.
   d) Psychopathic: I am OK with trusting others.
   e) Rigid: I am OK with being improper.

4. Find the acupuncture meridian for the personal declarative that produced a weak muscle test.

5. Find the time for the original event, preferably in the development stage associated with this character structure.

6. Proceed with classical esoteric kinesiology .

7. Recheck the personal declarative, muscle will be strong.


These character types are descriptions of the defense to a wound, not the essence of the individual. “So it must be time to deal with the pain of _______." "Now is the time to feel the pain of ______." Many people have withdrawn their love and awareness from their own body, and disease can be a calling to return to their body in an attentive way that may reveal the secret history of their wounds which the body holds.

The body doesn’t betray us. We betray the body. The same way the inner child doesn’t trust the adult, the physical body has its own thoughts and feelings and no longer trusts its owner.

People are beginning to admit they are experts on their own feelings, and next people will realize they are experts on their own bodies. They will also realize they can reconnect with their body and work to heal it better than anyone else.


One can expect determination of the primary character type and thereby insight into significant past traumas, the age they occurred, and how one defends against their wounds.

Additionally, one can gain insights into the individual’s weaknesses, strengths, likely transference and counter transference issues within the therapeutic relationship, and the patient’s likely projections on their world and other significant people in their life.